Profession (and, in its own way, Donation, is a free, personal commitment which is expressed in the public reading
of the formula of either Profession or Donation. (Statutes Book 5 36.1)
Fathers Profession Formula
"I, Brother N., promise stability, obedience, and conversion of my life, before God, his
saints, and the relics belonging to this hermitage, which was built in honor of God, the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and St.
John the Baptist, in the presence of Dom N., Prior."
In the case of a first temporary Profession after "promise" the words "for three years" are
inserted, and when this Profession is extended, the period of the extension is indicated; in the case of a solemn Profession
the word "perpetual" is added. (Statutes Book 1 10.9)
Brothers Profession Formula
"I, Brother N., before God, his saints and the relics belonging to this hermitage, and in
the presence of Dom N., Prior, promise obedience, conversion of my life and perseverance in this hermitage, which was built
in honor of God, the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and St. John the Baptist.
If the Profession is temporary, the period of the engagement is indicated after "promise"; if
it is solemn, the word "perpetual" is inserted. (Statutes Book 4 18.10)
Donate's Profession Formula
"I, Brother N., for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the salvation of my soul,
promise to serve God faithfully as a Donate for the building up of the Church, observing obedience and chastity, and living
without personal possessions. I therefore give myself to this House in a mutually binding contract to serve it at all times,
and submit myself to the discipline of the Order, according to the Statutes."
For temporary Donation the words "for two years" should be added after "give myself"; likewise
if this is extended, the period of the extension should be expressed; in the case, however, of perpetual Donation one should
insert "for ever." (Statutes Book 2 19.3)