The Carthusian Order
uses the seventh century Roman High Mass. The Carthusians did receive the Post Vatican II alternate anaphoras, which are available
for use in the private low masses. Otherwise, the Ordinary of the Carthusian Mass is still historically intact from the beginnings
of Chartreuse.
As the observances of Chartreuse was adopted, and the Order emerged, and the Consuetudines
of Guigo I were adopted as the standard. The Liturgy of Chartreuse became the standard for the Mass, Sacraments, Rituals,
and the Office in every house of the Order. Thus was born the Liturgy of the Carthusian Rite, an eremitic liturgy with an
eremitic simplified chant.
The Post Vatican II updates
have been confined mostly to adding some saints and feasts to the Ordo, and adding Common offices of monks, doctors, and virgin
doctors. And now a Carthusian is allowed to say his Mass privately, without servers, and to that
extent it was more "Carthusian" .
Though all is quite about how Vatican II had gutted the Carthusiam
charism. Only two other changes have been noticed:
1) The kiss of peace in '89 was accomplished by a medieval practice of
kissing a crucifix - called the "instrument of peace" - and passing it along, now it is like everywhere else.
2) After Mass the celebrant returned to the sanctuary and performed
Carthusian prostration - lying on one's side while clasping one's
hands - while the monks sat, hoods up, for a 15 minute
thanksgiving. While obviously having nothing to do with Vatican II, that beautiful thanksgiving is no longer done - at least
at Parkminster.
The Popes throughout
history have had a good understanding of Carthusian Life and the need to keep it very stable and consistent so as not to ruin
the balance of its formula, which revolves around it's specialized eremitic liturgy. So, structurally, no major changes have
occurred to the Carthusian Rite and it's Liturgy. The Chant has also not undergone any change. Everything that was necessary
to create the new commons of monks, doctors, and virgin doctors. Was drawn from existing materials in the chant repertoire,
and configured harmoniously to compose the new commons.