Dear Members of the International Fellowship
of St. Bruno,
Praised be Jesus Christ! And a very blessed and joyful Christmas and New Year to you all! I am deeply moved, and with me, my monks, by the shower
of assured prayers, cards, donations and gifts that you sent our way this holy season. At midnight Mass, I remembered you
and your loved ones. It is our simple and very heartfelt return for all your kindness and generosity! We will continue to
bear this gratitude in our heart!
Our special prayer this Christmas (which we join to yours) is that: with His grace, may
we all always surrender our yes to God's gift of Himself even when at times, He is the fountain that flows by night! May we,
in believing, be nonetheless drenched in its flow, and make our love secure enough to let us know what it means to be open
and vulnerable, like the defenselessness and humility of the Child born for us today!
Devotedly your brother in our
Savior Jesus, Prior and Community of the Charterhouse of Transfiguration 25
December 2007
Dear Br Michael Anthony,
Thanks a million for your kind blessings for Advent!
All of us here return your wishes and are very glad to learn that you say your prayers in union with ours: the communion
of saints in practice.
Yours in Our Lord,
Procurator of St. Hugh's Charterhouse
04 December 2007
Dear Br Michael Anthony,
And Every joy to you at Easter!
Yours in Our Lord,
Procurator of St. Hugh's Charterhouse
06 April 2007
Thank you. We are only to glad to pray for you and all your concerns. Have a great confidence in God to reward your faith
and love. Say one for us too, please.
Yours with affection in Our Lord,
Procurator of St. Hugh's Charterhouse
27 December 2006
Dear Brother,
I wish you a serenely joyful and peace-filled Christmas and new Year, remembering you in a special way at tomorrow's
long liturgy including midnight Mass.
Prior of the Charterhouse of Transfiguration
25 December 2006
Dear IFSB Members,
Praised be Jesus Christ! On Behalf of my monks here in the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration,
and in my own name, we wish you all a very joyful and grace-filled Christmas and New Year! We are very grateful for your continued
prayers, and I wish to specially mention our thanks to those of you who sent us Christmas greetings and gifts of various kinds.
May our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ come to you as Emmanuel and fill your heart with the serenity and radiance of His unfading
light ! O Bonitas!
Devotedly yours in Jesus born of the Virgin Mary,
Prior and Community of the Charterhouse
of Transfiguration
24 December 2006
Dear Bro. Michael Anthony,
Praised be Jesus Christ! Know of our prayerful union with the members of the Immaculate Heart of Mary's Hermitage. A
blessed Advent and Christmas!
Sincerely in Christ,
Prior of the Charterhouse of Transfiguration
10 December 2006
Dear Bro. Michael Anthony,
Praised be Jesus Christ! Since receiving your kind letter. We’ve prayed for you and with you. Follow
the movement of your heart as the deer longs for the running water. I believe that we can discover the holy will of God move
through the light that is reflected in the humility of our present situation, than in the nobility of a desire that is not
rooted in it.
Thanking you prayerfully for your prayers, and entrusting you to the maternal love of Mary.
Sincerely in Christ,
Prior of the Charterhouse of Transfiguration
29 April 2006