In part a commemoration also of the first profession of a Carthusian monk, 12/25/96
We are surrounded by images
of life and death. They seem so close, so somehow alike. There is a babe in the crib, celebrating God's unlikely presence
in the heart of our humanity. That celebration can be gay and imaginative, to judge form the display at the door of the chapterhouse!
Then there is the gallant Brother Christopher coming to the end of his journey, perhaps. In his dependence and
level of basic existence he resembles more and more the new-born infant. And there is Thomas, somewhere between the
two, taking a brave step in the following of Christ today, a step that is, at once, a dying an coming to life. Birth
implies a leaving of the mother's womb in order to attain to separate existence.
It is a dying to ego-self, not
without pain and fear, that profession operates. In so far as you can, you will ratify the grace of baptism by putting
on Christ in a new and more radical way. You give yourself to him with all your poverty in trust and love. What His grace
has begun it will finish. the love of God purifies and fulfills beyond all we can understand or even desire. But is
is hard to let go of the control of our lives, our faith is often weak. Walking on water can be frightening!
the image of death touches that of life. For Christ says 'Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter the
kingdom of God.' (Matthew 18:3) We must accept to be born again of the Spirit to a life that transcends the limits of our
earthly life, to a personhood as sons of the eternal father. As the infant in the natural order does not arrive fully
made, so the son of God that you would be does not arive in one act. He is given and in germ and in capacity, and hispotentialities
must be developed and grow to maturaity.
The essential is first to believe in the love God has for you and receive
in trust and confidence the immense personal gift he makes you in calling you to Himself. Because his grace would raise us
above ourselves, we sometimes would prefer him to choose someone else and leave us in peace!
That would be a peace
of lack of true personhood that assumes its isolation and so renders personality and real communion impossible. Beyond
self-pity and revolt lies self-transcendence. So you must accept your part of the birth-pangs in Christ and follow him
in his mysterious yet willing poverty and renunciation to the glory of the totally undreamed of newness of eternal life.
document of your profession will be put on the altar (a document greatly adorned!). Profession is a eucharistic act, one
of thanksgiving, adoration, self-offering and communion with Christ and the Church. The bread and wine that will be
transformed into Christ are the days and years of your life, the tears and joys of your humanity, the defeats and victories
of your battle towards your personal liberty, the unhealed pain that opens your hearts to the Lord and your brothers
and sisters, the wounds of the Passion that the risen Christ still bears, the solitude that can become communion, the profound
joy of being that needs only your simple yes to the mysterious wisdom and love of Gods' willing here and now.
this day, May Mary be a mother to you, the Church your family, and may Christ be born in your heart.